IR 投資家情報


1. Use of IR Information

OPEN Group (“the Company”) posts IR information on its website to provide various types of information, including financial information and business indicators, but the Company does not make any declarations or give any guarantees about the content.
This information is not provided to attract investments. Investment decisions should not be based solely on the information provided on this website. Investors should make decisions regarding investments on their own.

2. Provided information

While extreme care is taken regarding the information posted on this website, the Company bears no responsibility for any reason if there are inaccuracies with the provided information or damages are sustained because of alterations made by third parties or downloads.

3. Forward-looking statements

Some of the information provided on this website includes forward-looking statements. These statements entail risks and uncertainty; they are not guarantees of future earnings.
Keep in mind that actual earnings may differ from those that appear in these statements for any of various reasons such as deterioration in the environment.

4. Operation of this site

The website may be temporarily suspended, shut down, or altered without prior notice.
There are situations when it may be impossible to properly use the website for any of various reasons, including the communication environment and users’ computers.
The Company bears no responsibility for any problems, losses, or damages caused by this.